Monday, December 1, 2014

New hectic life

Phewww.. Never tought that our life will change 360 when Aidan came to this world. Life is full of milk feeding, diapers change, baby cry, scream, laugh and the list goes on. He is indeed our precious gift from Allah that we treasure each day. Aidan completed our life. May u grow to be obedient, righteous, healthy and happy baby. Amin. We love u son. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Hello 2014 :)

Hye everyone, im back. Heheeheh. I know its February going to March but still I want to wish a happy new year to all of u. 2014 is definetly going to be an awesome&exciting year for me&my little family, I promise. 2014 we welcomed it with a new status, new life and of course, with the most awaited new family member - baby A :). Gonna keep my birth story for the next entry, hoping that I could consistently update between milk feeding and diaper change. Anyway, have a wonderful weekend guys, stay safe, hydrated and take care. Xoxo